Answer: AppContact

Answer: AppContact
Cost : Free

Narrated Tours is the first AI audio tour guide that allows users to create their own personalized guided walking tours. With features like personalized mp3 files, offline accessibility, and a whitelabel offering for tour guides, hotels, and travel agents, Narrated Tours enhances the travel experience and provides an immersive way to explore cities.

  • Create personalized walking tours: Instantly generate guided walking tours for any city by specifying the desired duration and location, letting the software handle the rest.
  • Complete audio guided tour: Enjoy a comprehensive audio experience with personalized mp3 files that provide informative narration and insights while exploring different landmarks and attractions.
  • Offline accessibility: Download the audio tour before embarking on the walk, eliminating the need for an internet connection during the tour and allowing users to explore at their own pace.
  • Whitelabel offering: Tour guides, hotels, and travel agents can leverage Narrated Tours as a whitelabel solution, offering their guests a personalized audio tour experience that includes a welcome message from their company.

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