Alternative AI

Here are our guest post guidelines:

Content Quality:

Original and unique content that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
In-depth analysis and actionable insights related to AI tools and their applications.
Clear and engaging writing style free of grammatical errors.


Word count: 800-1500 words.
Use headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the content.
Include relevant images, charts, or infographics (with proper attribution).
Provide a short author bio (2-3 sentences) with a link to your website or social media.

SEO Guidelines:

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the content.
Include at least 1-2 internal links to relevant pages on the Alternative AI website.
Ensure external links point to high-quality, authoritative sources.
No Affiliate links.

Submission Process:

Submit your draft as a Google Doc to [].

Our editorial team will review the content and provide feedback within 5-7 business days.

Once approved, we will schedule the post for publication and notify you of the date.

We look forward to your contribution and to helping our readers discover valuable AI tools and strategies. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

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