The Challenge: Build a nuclear fusion prototype in a dorm room.
The twist? Complete it in just four weeks, with a $2,000 budget, and zero prior electronics experience.

The Secret Weapon: Claude, an AI assistant from Anthropic, which became Nazoordeen’s virtual mentor and safety advisor.

The Result: A hand-sized device that generates a glowing plasma orb – the same state of matter found in the sun!

How He Did It:

  1. Online Parts Treasure Hunt: Most components came from eBay and Amazon, with a crucial transformer hunted down from a local neon sign store.
  2. AI as the Voice of Reason: Claude played the role of the cautious lab partner, helping navigate potentially dangerous steps. “I’d ask Claude, ‘Should I do this dumb thing where I put this inside the plug point?’ and it’d say absolutely not,” Nazoordeen told Business Insider.
  3. Community Wisdom: Online forums like and local experts provided crucial knowledge and troubleshooting support.
  4. Safety First: Despite the inherent risks of high-voltage equipment, Nazoordeen and his friends took precautions, using sticks for proper grounding and standing back during tests.

The Bigger Picture: This isn’t just about a cool science project. It’s about how AI is democratizing innovation and education. Nazoordeen’s story demonstrates that with determination, creativity, and AI assistance, ambitious scientific projects are now within reach of curious minds everywhere.

Expert Take: Carlos Paz-Soldan, an associate professor of applied physics at Columbia University, praised Nazoordeen’s initiative: “That student is very capable.” He emphasized the educational value of such projects, noting that students learn crucial skills about high voltage and vacuum systems – key components in larger-scale fusion research.

What’s Next? Undeterred by his busy schedule of studies, a job, and an internship at AI company Cohere, Nazoordeen is already planning his next big project: a $10,000 device to achieve nuclear fusion.

Takeaway: AI isn’t just about automation – it’s about augmenting human potential. As Nazoordeen’s project shows, the combination of human curiosity and AI guidance can lead to extraordinary achievements, even with limited resources and experience.

Are you using AI to push the boundaries of what’s possible? Share your story in the comments!


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